
Natural-based tablets containing herbal extracts for regulation of the digestion. Package of 100 tablets.
Altman's Superlas tablets
Are natural-based tablets containing herbal extracts for regulation of the digestion. Superlas tablets contain aloe vera extract and extract from plums. In addition, Altman's Superlas contains the bromelain enzyme, which acts as protease-enzyme for the breakdown of proteins, and contributes to normal digestion.
Superlas is suitable for daily use, preferably accompanied by plenty of drinking.
What distinguishes Superlase is that it is based on a unique combination of plants and can be used for a long time without developing dependence or side effects.
- Aloe Ferox
- Rhubarb Ribes
- Anisum Pimpinella
- Prunus Domestica
- Urtica Diocia
- Bromelanium
Directions for use
2-3 tablets in the evening before bed, with two glasses of water.
Constipation is an intestinal disorder in which a person experiences difficulty in removing fecal waste that has accumulated in his intestines.
Constipation has several definitions - when frequency of the defecation is less than three times a week or if the defecation involves effort (even if it's on regular basis) or if the stool is hard / dry. Appearance of each of the above mentioned can be an evidence of a constipation.
Constipation is a common disorder and about 20% of the population suffer from it.
It appears more frequently in older people and more often in women than in men.
Reasons for constipation
The most common cause of constipation is diet related: low consumption of fiber, insufficient water intake or a diet containing other ingredients that make the stool dry.
The reason for constipation can also be physiological: for example difficulty of defecation due to weakening of pelvic muscles, rectal fissure, hemorrhoids, fecal stones, a slowdown in activity of the colon ( peristaltic movement ) for some reason, etc.
Sometimes constipation can be a symptom of a serious illness such as colon cancer.
Constipation may appear as a symptom of other diseases or as a side effect of certain medications.
The dangers of constipation
In a condition of constipation, undigested food and wastes remains in the digestive system for a long time , compared to normal condition . Concurrently, the intestinal bacteria act on them, dislodge them, and produce undesirable gases and breakdown products. If constipation persists, fluids are re-absorbed, feces dehydrate and there is a risk of developing fecal stones, hemorrhoids and fissures. When food is disassembled and decomposition products remain in the intestine for a long time, toxic gases are released that can cause intestinal infections and inflammations and even certain types of cancer, beyond the unpleasant feeling of gases and constipation.
Treatment of constipation
Constipation should be considered as a warning bell informing us that we must make changes in our way of living so as to avoid future diseases and complications that mentioned.
Whatever the cause of constipation is, the treatment of all types is similar and rests on several principles:
- Drink at least 12 glasses of fluids a day
- Eating regular meals distributed throughout the day, while avoiding processed foods (white bread, white rice, cakes, chocolate and sweets).
- Regular exercise (recommended walking for at least 30 minutes, every day).
- Increased intake of dietary fiber in the daily menu.
A significant number of people fail to make these changes over time or on the other hand these changes did not help them with their condition, then they must assist their intestine with some preparation to prevent constipation in all its complications. Such a product could be Superlas by Altman , that helps the body to activate the digestive system and does not cause dependency and no side effects.
It is recommended to avoid all sorts of laxatives that cause damage and dependence.