
Unique nutritional supplement for treating and preventing urinary tract infections.
Urinary tract infection is considered to be the most common infectious phenomenon among a significant percentage of the healthy population. Acceptable data in the scientific literature indicates that about 50% of all women (of all ages) and about 12% of men, especially those aged 50 and over, will experience urinary tract infection during their lifetime.
The urinary system is the body's filtration system for liquid waste removal, which includes the kidneys, bladder and urethra. This system is sterile at the base and free of bacterial presence. Bacteria invasion, their culture, and their proliferation are defined as an infection that can cause an inflammatory reaction known as urinary tract infection (most often in the bladder-cystitis ).
Untreated inflammation can worsen and spread to the upper urinary tract and cause infection of the entire kidney (Pyelonephritis and renal impairment ).
The bacteria can enter the parenchyma tissue through the collecting ducts and disrupt the kidney tubules. Beyond the pain, frustration and discomfort, this condition is dangerous and therefore it is of great importance to prevent, diagnose and adjust appropriate and prompt treatment.
The pathogenesis of UTI involves multiple processes and occurs as a result of interactions between uropathogen and its host.
Women and urinary tract infections
The incidence of urinary tract infections among women is high and increasing with age. The anatomical structure of the woman, which is expressed in shorter urinary tract and urethra closer to the rectum, allows high permeability of the intestine bacteria to the bladder.
Various and sometimes interrelated factors may also increase the risk of developing urinary tract infections, such as a history of infections in childhood, bladder prolapsed, sexual intercourse, poor hygiene, diabetes (high glucose levels in the blood), decreased immune activity, intestinal flora disorder, menopause, and also pregnancy.
At the phase of menopause, 25%-50% of women are more exposed to repeated infections due to reduced estrogen levels and a change in pH in the vagina due to a decrease in vaginal lactobacilli, a situation that enables easier adherence of bacteria to the walls of the vagina.
Difficulty in fully emptying the bladder as a result of prolonged retention is also a common cause of recurrent infections. The muscles of the bladder may be stretched beyond to their capacity, and over time will be weaken. A similar condition also appears in pregnancy when the pressure of the fetus on the urethra reduces the ability emptying completely the bladder.
What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?
In symptomatic infection , the main symptoms include an increased urgency of urination, sometimes accompanied by sharp pain or a burning sensation, murky urine with a pungent odor, a sense of incomplete emptying of the bladder. In addition, there are cases where blood is detected in the urine and appears severe pain in the lower abdomen or back. If the infection spreads to the kidneys, may occur chills, fever, nausea and vomiting.
What are the main causes of urinary tract infections?
The most common cause of urinary tract infections (80% -85%) is intestinal bacterial proliferation, especially Escherichia coli ( E-coli ) bacteria, which penetrate the urethra, progress upward, cling and multiply, causing infection. The E-coli walls are covered with tiny pili-shaped protrusions, the tips of the protrusions being a complex of amino acids and sugar (glycoprotein) called lectin. These lectins allow the bacteria to cling to the bladder and urinary tract.
Risk factors for urinary tract infections
Gender - Women are more susceptible to infection due to anatomical differences that appears in shorter urinary tract and urethra that close to the rectum, making it easier for bacteria to penetrate the bladder.
During pregnancy, the incidence of infection increases due to pressure from the fetus on the ureter and reducing the bladder's ability for complete emptying.
In men, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can cause cystitis.
Age - The incidence of infection increases in women after menopause due to a decrease in estrogen levels allowing easier adhesion of bacteria in the vaginal walls.
Sexual activity - The bacteria can pass to the urethra through sexual contact. Using a contraceptive (condom) can increase the risk of infection.
Poor hygiene - The E-coli bacterium may find its way into the urinary tract when wiping after bowel emptying. The proximity between the urinary system and rectum allows easy passage for the bacteria.
High glucose levels - High levels of sugar in blood and urine are an excellent substrate for bacterial proliferation , especially for E.coli.
Impairment of the immune system - The immune system can be affected by illness, stress or poor nutrition.
Disrupted balance of intestinal flora.
Antibiotic treatment
Antibiotic treatment is highly effective in treating short-term infection, however, long-term and frequent use of antibiotics is not always effective, as it increases resistant of the pathogenic bacteria to almost all types of antibiotics (multidrug resistant) and create more "sophisticated" bacterial strains.
Although this treatment affects the pathogenic bacteria population, it also significantly affects the intestinal "friendly" bacterial population and may lead to a change in flora homeostasis, which creates a favorable environment for pathogen proliferation and recurrence of inflammation. This has health implications, especially in weakening the immune system and damaging the digestive system. Hence the recurrence of infection is only a matter of time.
How to prevent recurrence of urinary tract infections naturally?
As mentioned above, antibiotic treatment causes an imbalance between intestinal bacteria and pathogens , therefore, combining probiotics as dietary supplement is an excellent starting point for treatment and prevention of urinary tract infection.
Another natural component found to have high therapeutic potential for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections is the D-Mannose (sugar analogue ). This molecule has been found to have pharmacokinetic properties that improve the health of the urinary system through activity that reduces the adhesion of E-coli bacteria to the mucosa and even prevents the development of bacterial colonies.
The nature of this component as an antagonist for the bacterial binding site has been clinically tested from the late 1970s to the present and is a therapeutic and preventive protocol for urinary tract infections.
What is Feminnose (D-Mannose )?
Feminnose is a unique formula containing the D-Mannose component. D-Mannose is a natural stereo isomer of D-Glucose (Dextrose ) the common form used for energy production.
This "friendly" sugar naturally exists in various fruits and edible plants (cranberries, apples and other plants) at low concentration and its taste is sweetish. It is synthesized to some extent , in the body and is found in the bladder. Most of it passes directly into the bloodstream through the digestive system and does not interfere with the normal growth of the intestine bacteria, is filtered through the kidneys and cleared through the urine quickly. This component is produced in a glucose isomerisation from a natural origin (corn, sweet potato and potato that have not been genetically modified). As a very strong affinity for the E-coli bacteria, it acts as an antagonist and does not allow them to adhere to the walls of the urinary system. This component is evacuated with the urine, along with the pathogenic bacteria. The result - infection passes quickly, without compromising the delicate balance of intestine flora , immune function is maintained properly and chances of recurrence of infection are diminished.
Clinical studies have shown that 90% of D-Mannose taken by oral administration ( Per Oz ) reaches the urinary system within 30 - 60 minutes and reduced infection symptoms in more than 70% of subjects.
Benefits of Feminnose
- Fast action - Its concentration in the blood rises within 30 minutes from the take point, immediate action, symptom relief on the same day.
- Effective - Binds specifically and powerfully to E-coli bacteria.
- Acts powerfully - The intensity of its activity is 10 times stronger than the intensity of cranberry activity.
- Natural product - Made and found naturally in the body, found in nature in various fruits and edible plants.
- High safety profile - Since it doesn't undergo metabolism in the body it does not affect sugar balance , there are no side effects, safe to use for pregnant women and children.
- Not acidic - Does not affect gastric and uric acidity.
- Intestine friendly - Does not alter the body's natural micro flora balance.
Each tablet contains
D-Mannose 500mg
Recommended Dosage
Treatment of active infection: 1.5 g (3 capsules) 3 times a day.
Preservative / preventative treatment: 1.5 g (3 capsules) once a day.
Package contains 60 tablets.
The information here does not constitute a recommendation or indication for medical treatment.
Please do not consider this information as an alternative to consulting your physician or pharmacist.