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Bedsores / Festering wounds

Brand: B.Braun
Product Description Askina Foam is a sterile, hydrophilic foam wound dressing that includes a polyurethane foam wound contact surface with high absor..
Active Ingredients Zinc chloride, Vitamin A, Calcium chloride, Magnesium Hydroxide, Sodium chloride, Pyridoxine HCI, Anhydrous lanolin, Mineral oil, ..
Brand: Flen Health
Active Ingredients Each tube of 50gr contains: Alginate (total alginate content 5.5% (g/g)); macrogol; enzyme system (glucoseoxidase, lactoperoxidas..
Brand: Flen Health
Active Ingredients Alginate (total alginate content 3.5% (g/g)) Macrogol Hydroxypropyl-cellulose Enzyme system (glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase..
Showing 1 to 12 of 29 (3 Pages)
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