
Intended to help dissolve gall-bladder stones and preventing their formation.
Rowachol capsules
Active Ingredients
Each capsule contains:
Pinene (α+β) 17 mg
Camphene 5 mg
Cineol 2 mg
L-Menthol 32 mg
Menthone 6 mg
Borneol 5 mg
An adjuvant in the treatment of gall-bladder stones and liver diseases.
Rowachol acts to dissolve gall-bladder stones by increasing gall- bladder secretion. Moreover, Rowachol inhibits the formation of elements contributing to the formation of sediments and stones.
Take this medicine before meals.
If you forget to take the dose, take it as soon as you remember and continue according to the recommended dosage.
It is recommended to follow a low cholesterol diet.
Even if there has been an improvement in your health, do not discontinue treatment with this medicine without consulting the physician.
Consult the pharmacist concerning the recommended duration of treatment.
Recommended Dosage unless otherwise specified by the physician: 1-2 capsules, 3 times a day. In children aged 6-14 years the dosage is one capsule twice daily.
Do not use if there is a known sensitivity to one of the components of this medicine.
This medicine should not be used without consulting your physician: If you are treated with anticoagulants (such as Warfarin or any other medicine that is metabolized in the liver).
Pregnancy and lactation-although teratogenic effects were not found, do not use Rowachol during the first trimester of pregnancy and while lactating.
If you are taking another medicine or if you have just finished treatment with another medicine, consult your doctor in order to avoid risks and/or inefficacy arising from drug Interactions, especially regarding anticoagulant drugs.
Please do not consider this information as an alternative to consulting your physician or pharmacist.
For further information on instructions for use, risks and side effects, please read the patient package insert and consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Read the patient package insert carefully before starting to take any medication.