Yabelet Plus big

Callus removal plasters with a nail file to complete the treatment. Contains 2 active ingredients in a particularly high concentration for fast and effective treatment. The structure of the band-aid allows easy adhesion to both the fingers and other areas where the callus appears. The plaster is extra large.
Active Ingredients
Each adhesive bandage (including the disc) contains the active ingredients Salicylic Acid and Acetic Acid.
Yabelet Plus is an adhesive bandage to aid in the removal of skin warts (cons), including stubborn warts on the skin.
Yabelet Plus is comprised of a disc with an especially highconcentration of two active ingredients and an adhesive bandagethat secures the disc to the skin allowing quick and effectiveremoval of warts. The active ingredients are concentrated in the disc and surrounded by a spongy ring that prevents pressure onthe wart area and protects the healthy skin near the wart. Yabelet Plus is produced asa soft and aerated adhesive bandage. The skin colored bandage adheres well to the skin due to its wide strip.
The bandage's shape and structure allows for easy application tofingers as well as other areas where warts appear.
The packageincludes a filing board for completion of treatment.
For external use only! Avoid contact with internal organs, specificallythe eyes, ears and exposed tissues (such as nose and nostrils).
Before attaching the Yabelet Plus bandage it is recommended to soak the foot or the treatedarea in warm to hot water and dry thoroughly. Make sure that the area on to which the adhesive bandage will be applied is cleanand dry.
Remove the white protective layer and adhere to therequired area, such that the purple circle is placed on the wart.Makesure the size of the purple circle containing the active ingredients matches the size of the wart and that it is well positioned on thewart. Avoid contact between the purple disc and healthy skinsurrounding the wart. Each adhesive bandage is meant to beused once and then disposed.
The adhesive bandage should be well fastened to the skin, in order to improve the bandage's adhesion to the skin, medicaltape may be applied over it.
The adhesive bandage should be replaced every 24 hours forat least 2-3 days until the entire wart is easily removed (maytake up to two weeks at most). After removing the bandage, it isrecommended to use the fling board included in the package for removal of the wart. Must disinfect the board before and after use.
An improvement will usually be visible during the first few days of treatment. Complete removal of the wart may occur after twoweeks of use.
Do not bathe in hot water before and during the useof the adhesive bandage.
Do not use more than the recommendeddosage.
If treatment for longer than two weeks is necessary consulta doctor.
The product is generally not intended for use by babies orchildren under the age of 16, unless recommended by a doctor.
On rare occasions there will bea stinging sensation after sticking the bandage onto the skin.
This sensation quickly disappears with the skin's adaptation tothe bandage's components. In the case of severe discomfort thebandage should be immediately removed and the area washed withsoap and warm water.
Contact between the purple disc containingthe active ingredients and healthy skin should be avoided.
Do not use Yabelet Plus if you are hypersensitive to one of the ingredients orto salicylates (such as acetylsalicylic acid or methyl salicylate).
Do not use Yabelet Plus on moles, birthmarks, warts with hair growth, genital warts, cracked skin, damaged skin, cuts or wounds (including a bleedingwound orawound with puss) or in the facial area-the product maycause severe damage in these cases.
In the case of uncertaintyregarding the wounda dermatologist should be consulted.
In the following diabetic treatment should not be commencedwithout consulting a doctor: pregnant or nursing women, diabetespatients, those suffering from blood circulation problems (especiallyinadequate blood flow to the extremities), children, babies, and those suffering from skin disease.
Do not use frequently or for aperiod longer than two weeks without consulting a doctor.
If you are taking other medicines or products or if you have just finished treatment with other medicines or products you must consultyour doctor to avoid risks or inefficiency arising from interactionswith other drugs or products, especially with products intendedfor use on the skin.
Please do not consider this information as an alternative to consulting your physician or pharmacist.
For further information on instructions for use, risks and side effects, please read the patient package insert and consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Read the patient package insert carefully before starting to take any medication.