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HNS complex

HNS complex
HNS complex

Formula for skin, hair and nail care. Recommended for brittle or exfoliating nails, hair loss and to improve the appearance of the skin.


The expression "beauty begins from within" is now not only a catch phrase, but a scientifically confirmed fact.

The internal health of a person can be judged by how healthy and shiny his hair looks, how strong his nails are, how healthy his skin looks.

The modern rhythm of life, stress and an unbalanced diet, that are an integral part of it, air pollution and smoking, all this adversely affects overall health and especially quickly affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails, leading to their premature aging.

Dull, loose skin with earthy hue gives a feeling of neglect. Not only our age reflects on our appearance, but also a lifestyle.

We can try to improve our appearance with the help of cosmetics, but the sources of external beauty always lie in the health of internal organs.

Annually, large amounts of money are spent on the purchase of cosmetics, the advertising of which promises eternal youth and unfading beauty. Basically, the effect of cosmetics on the skin condition is purely superficial and their absorption into the deeper layers of the skin is extremely insignificant.

The main enemies of beauty are:

  • Lack of moisture

Water - is the most important natural factor in maintaining health and youth. The body needs at least 8 glasses of water per day

  • Free radicals

In youth, the human body produces collagen protein in abundance. Collagen is one of the main components of our hair, nails and skin. It is the characteristics of collagen that gives them elasticity, smoothness, strength and beauty. Free radicals destroy collagen molecules, the production of which is already reduced over the years, and inhibit the regeneration

  • Smoking

It is well known that the skin of smokers fades much earlier than non-smokers. However, dietary supplements against the effects of free radicals can slow down skin aging in those who smoke.

  • Sun exposure

Sunbathers should know that prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays is fraught with early wrinkles and melanoma.

In order to effectively slow down skin aging, the internal processes of body rejuvenation must be involved.

Best skin care starts from the within - with special nutritional supplements. The main component of these formulations are antioxidants, which reduce the damage caused by free radicals, sunlight, polluted air and unhealthy lifestyle. A correctly selected supplement will preserve the youthfulness of the skin, refresh and protect it from the negative effects of the environment.

"Solgar" presents the HNS complex - a natural preparation that stimulates the natural process of collagen production by the body. The composition of the formula includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic sulfur MSM and silica, necessary for the production of collagen fibers.

The composition of the formula HNS complex includes:

  • MSM - Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane, the so-called beauty mineral. Helps maintain the natural elasticity of the skin, prevents premature aging, improves hair structure, strengthens nails.
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents collagen breakdown. Keeps skin elasticity, strengthens hair roots and nail structure.
  • Silica - a mineral that strengthens hair roots, restores "split ends", strengthens nails and prevents their delamination, is necessary for building connective tissues, as it is actively involved in collagen synthesis.
  • Copper is an important component in the synthesis of the melanin pigment. Melanin protects skin cells from the damaging effects of sunlight. Also, copper is important for constructing the proteins collagen and elastin.
  • L-Proline and L-Lysine - amino acids involved in keratin synthesis. A decrease in the amount of keratin in the cells leads to withering of the skin.
  • Zinc is a powerful antioxidant. One of the primary factors in preventing skin aging, an essential component of the fight against hair loss, a mineral that firms and rejuvenates the structure of nails.


How does the HNS complex affect the body?

Collagen, elastin and keratin are the main proteins involved in the construction of skin cells of the hair and nails. These proteins determine how healthy and strong your hair and nails will be. They protect the skin from premature aging, smooth wrinkles, improve complexion and "take care" of healthy hair. The components of the formula HNS complex are the building material for the synthesis of collagen, keratin and elastin. As a result, with the constant use of the HNS complex, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, the hair structure improves, and the nails look healthy and strong. This was the reason for the creation of the supplement HNS complex. This revolutionary formula is a three-time winner in the field of preparations for the health of the skin, hair and nails, and is the most recommended among specialists worldwide.

To whom the dietary supplement HNS complex is recommended:

The formula is ideal for those who are interested in slowing down the aging process of the skin, for those who want to improve the appearance of hair and nails. HNS complex is important for strengthening hair roots, rejuvenates the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight.

What is the superiority of HNS complex by Solgar?

  • HNS complex is an exclusive formula for the synthesis of collagen, elastin and keratin.
  • HNS complex - comprehensively affects the health of the skin of hair and nails.
  • HNS complex - prevents skin fading and cares for beauty from the inside out!

Each capsule contains:

MSM (methylsulfanylmethane)                      500 mg
Vitamin C (as L-ascorbic acid)                       60mg
L-Proline                                                         25 mg
L-Lysine (as L-lysine HCI)                              25 mg
Silica (Silicon) Red Algae (L-coralloides)       25 mg
Calcium                                                          15 mg
Zinc (as zinc citrate)                                       7.5 mg
Copper (as copper glycinate)                         1mg

Warnings and comments:

If you are taking blood thinners, warfarin, consult your healthcare provider.
Pregnant women, nursing women , those who take prescription drugs, and children - consult your doctor before taking the complex.
Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Natural source of production of all components

Recommended Dosage:

1-3 tablets per day with food

The package contains 120 tablets.


The informationheredoes notconstitute a recommendation orindication formedical treatment

Please do not consider this information as an alternative to consulting your physician or pharmacist.

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